Friday, April 21, 2017

I can't...

I can't fucking believe you responded. I thought you turned your keys in and checked out. I made it easy or so I thought. If you did find me I figured it would take time. Months even. Happiness is relative and your sunny image of my life is missing the clouds.

The Never Ending Story

Awake from a nightmare
Chaos everywhere.
A glass window into my mind
Contracts written but never signed
I thought I moved on this time
I avoided every attempt
Promised not to respond
Thinking "he finally gave up".
But there you are
And here I am
Chapter forever
In a story that never ends.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ocean Deep

I often write superficial thoughts, awaiting eyes powerful enough to see the emotional abyss from which they swam. Against a current so mean. I do not have gills to breathe. Entangled in jellyfish and seaweed. Their stings breathe life into me. Emotionless, in motion. Forever freed.